
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Dieting II
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

A calorie is the energy needed to raise the temperature of what volume of water by 1 degree C


1 decalitre
1 litre
1 centilitre

100g of deep fried chips contains around how many calories


100 calories
500 calories
50 calories
250 calories

In the UK, the recommended calorie intake for the average woman is


2500 calories
5000 calories
2000 calories
1000 calories

100g of celery contains around how many calories


170 calories
7 calories
17 calories
70 calories

Resting heart beats per minute (bpm) for a healthy adult lie between the ranges of


120-140 bpm
60 - 80 bpm
40 - 60 bpm
90 - 110 bpm

100g of butter contains how many calories


740 calories
407 calories
203 calories
470 calories

A 330 ml can of cola contains how many calories


110 calories
25 calories
5 calories
55 calories

In the UK, the recommended calorie intake for the average man is


2500 calories
5000 calories
2000 calories
1000 calories

Which food is eaten for its vitamin, minerals, high complex carbohydrates & fibre ?



Which of the following has the highest fat content per 100g


Chipped Potatoes
Roasted Peanuts
Pork Sausages

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012